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About US

About Smruti Shah Cultural Center

About US

About Smruti Shah Cultural Center

Founder's Vision

As an artist  you can learn to see more than meets the eye. Kalasmruti is here to give sky to artists to celebrate their art and passion, to create a community where every passionate artist is nurtured and celebrated.
Kalasmruti is a commitment in the world of art.

- Shreyansh Shah
Founder Kalasmruti
Experience with Kalasmruti

To experience art and feed the soul, where artists meet, work and create without any restriction, we are here to give stage to artists and feed art to audience.

  • Put a step in to the commercial art world
  • Make connections and network
  • Inhouse media house / print media to help with PR
  • Great team to get help and solutions
  • Soundproof black box
  • Comfortable environment to work
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